A three year research study to understand and intervene on Early School Leaving across five EU Nations led to the initial development of the resources hosted on this site. Links to the project website and associated academic publications are featured below. Since 2022 thanks to further funding secured through the UKRI and some of our stakeholder partners we have been able to co-develop and improve on our toolkit, in order that our tools can best meet the needs of a varied set of educators and professionals in their work to support young people.
Key Findings
Young people and educators point to different domains being most significant in terms of risk to NEET.
Young people highlighted institutional factors of schooling and social relationship factors as most significant whereas educators pointed to structural factors and personal challenges.
Both young people and educators highlighted the importance of relationships and the qualities of the educator as critical factors in effective support and intervention.

Article: A Conceptual Framework for Researching the Risks to NEEThood
Peer-reviewed academic article introducing the conceptual framework for understanding risks NEET/Early School leaving developed during a three year research study to understand and intervene on Early School leaving across five EU nations.

Article: Comparing Young People’s and Educators’ Views on the Risks to NEEThood
Peer-reviewed academic article comparing young people’s and educator’s views on the factors that lead to NEET outcomes. Drawing on data from South West England, this paper offers insights into young people’s priorities and experiences.

Article: Five Mechanisms for Tackling the Risks to NEEThood: Introducing a Pathway to Change to Guide Educators’ Support Strategies
Peer-reviewed academic article introducing five mechanisms for tackling the risks to NEET/Early School Leaving and introducing a Pathway to Change to guide educators’ support strategies. Drawn from findings of a three year research study to understand and intervene on Early School leaving across five EU nations.

Article: Comparing early leaving across Spain and England - variation and commonality across two nations of high and low relative early leaving rates
Peer-reviewed research article comparing early leaving across Spain and England, drawing from 77 interviews and focus groups with 309 educational stakeholders across 21 settings.